Dimitra Kolliakou (b. 1968) grew up in Athens. She studied classics at the University of Athens (NKUA) and obtained a PhD in linguistics from the University of Edinburgh. She taught linguistics at Newcastle University (1995-2010) before settling with her family in Paris, where she teaches English at an international high school. She has published novels, short stories and novellas. She won the 2019 Short Story State Literary Award and the 2019 Anagnostis literary prize for Αλφαβητάρι Εντόμων (‘Insect Alphabet’, Patakis Publishers, 2018), the Petros Haris/National Academy of Greece award and the Athens Prize for Literature for her novel Θερμοκρασία δωματίου (‘Room temperature’, Patakis Publishers, 2006, , 4th reprinting: 2020), and the Jim Wilson prize for first time author by the National Book Centre of Greece for her novel Το Μαγείο (The magic hole, Hestia Publishers, 2001). Some of her stories have been translated into English, French and Chinese. She regularly contributes to the literary magazines Frear and Hartis.



 More about author: 
First name:  DIMITRA
Last name:  KOLLIAKOU


To appear: « Αταραξία » (Ataraxia), a novel. Athens: Patakis Publishers.

2018. « Αλφαβητάρι Εντόμων » (Insect Alphabet). Athens: Patakis Publishers, ISBN 978-960-16-7861-0.

2015. « Ήμισυ του παντός» (Half of the whole), a novel. Athens: Patakis Publishers, ISBN 978-960-16-6510-8.

2013. « Το πρόσωπο του ουρανού » (The expression of the sky), a novel. Athens: Patakis Publishers, ISBN: 978-960-16-4826-2.

2009. « Η αρρώστια των βουνών » (Mountain sickness). Novellas. Athens: Patakis Publishers, ISBN: 978-960-16-3387-9.

2007. « Θερμοκρασία δωματίου » (Room temperature), a novel. Athens: Patakis Publishers, ISBN: 960-16-2056-7.

1999. « Το Μαγείο » (The magic hole), a novel. Athens: HESTIA, ISBN 960-05-0884-1.

Short stories

“Αμνός” (Lamb of god) Newspaper EfSyn, 26/4, 2019.

“Το άρωμά του” (His perfume), Πάθη στη Λογοτεχνία (Passion in Literature). Athens: Kastaniotis Editions, 2016.

“Πρωινό φεγγάρι” (Morning moon), Φεγγάρι, ενενήντα εννεά (-1) συγγραφείς, Ημερολόγιο Εταιρείας Συγγραφέων 2016. (Moon, 99-1 authors, Greek Authors Society diary, 2016) Athens: Patakis Publishers.

“Τα χωνάκια” (Flower cones), Newspaper EfSyn, 21/7.

“Eκδυση” (Ecdysis), Γεύμα μ’ έναν ήρωα (Dinner with a hero), collection of short stories. Athens: Patakis Publishers, 2014.

“Αερόστατο” (Air balloon). Newspaper Ta Nea, August 24, 2010.

“Το νεραντζοφίλημα” (Bitter orange kiss), Ελληνικά ονόματα (Greek names), collection of short stories. Athens: Kedros Publishers, 2010.

“Αμαρτίαι γονέων παιδεύουσι τέκνα” (Sins of the parents haunt their children), Literary magazine Enteykthrio 76, 2007.

“Lollipop man”, Literary magazine De(kata) 10, 2007.

“Hθελε κορίτσι” (She wanted a girl), Hotel: writing tenants. Athens: Patakis Publishers, 2006.

“O χαλβάς” (The halva), Οκτώ θανάσιμα αμαρτήματα (Eight mortal sins), collection of short stories. Athens: Patakis Publishers, 2001.




Nominal Constructions in Modern Greek: Implications for the Architecture of Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications (Center for the Study of Language and Information). 2003. ISBN 1-57586-440-1 (paperback), 1-57586-439-8 (hardback).


Journal papers

2018. (With Jonathan Ginzburg) Divergently Seeking Clarification: The Emergence of Clarification Interaction. Topics in Cognitive Science, 10(3).

2009. (With Jonathan Ginzburg) Answers without Questions: the Emergence of Fragments in Child Language. Journal of Linguistics, 45(3), 641-673.

2004. Monadic Definites and Polydefinites: their Form, Meaning and Use, Journal of Linguistics, 40(2), 263-323.

2002. (With Theodora Alexopoulou) On Linkhood, Topicalization and Clitic Left Dislocation. Journal of Linguistics, 38(2), 193-245.

1999. De-Phrase Extractability and Individual/Property Denotation. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 17(4), 713-781.


22 Passage Courtois, Paris 75011
Agrafon 26, 117 41 Athens
T: 06 80 63 56 18 (portable,Franceα) and +30 6932855867, 210 9228607 (Greece) 

Date of birth:  1968
Birth place:  Athens
Abstract text: 


The 2019 Short Story State Literary Award and the 2019 Anagnostis literary prize for Αλφαβητάρι Εντόμων (‘Insect Alphabet’, Patakis Publishers, 2018).

The National Academy of Greece award and the Athens Prize for Literature for the novel Θερμοκρασία δωματίου (‘Room temperature’, Patakis Publishers, 2006, 4th reprinting: 2020).

The Jim Wilson prize for first time author by the National Book Centre of Greece for the novel Το Μαγείο (The magic hole, Hestia Publishers, 2001).



E-mail:  dimitrakolliakou@gmail.com