To appear: « Αταραξία » (Ataraxia), a novel. Athens: Patakis Publishers.
2018. « Αλφαβητάρι Εντόμων » (Insect Alphabet). Athens: Patakis Publishers, ISBN 978-960-16-7861-0.
2015. « Ήμισυ του παντός» (Half of the whole), a novel. Athens: Patakis Publishers, ISBN 978-960-16-6510-8.
2013. « Το πρόσωπο του ουρανού » (The expression of the sky), a novel. Athens: Patakis Publishers, ISBN: 978-960-16-4826-2.
2009. « Η αρρώστια των βουνών » (Mountain sickness). Novellas. Athens: Patakis Publishers, ISBN: 978-960-16-3387-9.
2007. « Θερμοκρασία δωματίου » (Room temperature), a novel. Athens: Patakis Publishers, ISBN: 960-16-2056-7.
1999. « Το Μαγείο » (The magic hole), a novel. Athens: HESTIA, ISBN 960-05-0884-1.
Short stories
“Αμνός” (Lamb of god) Newspaper EfSyn, 26/4, 2019.
“Το άρωμά του” (His perfume), Πάθη στη Λογοτεχνία (Passion in Literature). Athens: Kastaniotis Editions, 2016.
“Πρωινό φεγγάρι” (Morning moon), Φεγγάρι, ενενήντα εννεά (-1) συγγραφείς, Ημερολόγιο Εταιρείας Συγγραφέων 2016. (Moon, 99-1 authors, Greek Authors Society diary, 2016) Athens: Patakis Publishers.
“Τα χωνάκια” (Flower cones), Newspaper EfSyn, 21/7.
“Eκδυση” (Ecdysis), Γεύμα μ’ έναν ήρωα (Dinner with a hero), collection of short stories. Athens: Patakis Publishers, 2014.
“Αερόστατο” (Air balloon). Newspaper Ta Nea, August 24, 2010.
“Το νεραντζοφίλημα” (Bitter orange kiss), Ελληνικά ονόματα (Greek names), collection of short stories. Athens: Kedros Publishers, 2010.
“Αμαρτίαι γονέων παιδεύουσι τέκνα” (Sins of the parents haunt their children), Literary magazine Enteykthrio 76, 2007.
“Lollipop man”, Literary magazine De(kata) 10, 2007.
“Hθελε κορίτσι” (She wanted a girl), Hotel: writing tenants. Athens: Patakis Publishers, 2006.
“O χαλβάς” (The halva), Οκτώ θανάσιμα αμαρτήματα (Eight mortal sins), collection of short stories. Athens: Patakis Publishers, 2001.
Nominal Constructions in Modern Greek: Implications for the Architecture of Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications (Center for the Study of Language and Information). 2003. ISBN 1-57586-440-1 (paperback), 1-57586-439-8 (hardback).
Journal papers
2018. (With Jonathan Ginzburg) Divergently Seeking Clarification: The Emergence of Clarification Interaction. Topics in Cognitive Science, 10(3).
2009. (With Jonathan Ginzburg) Answers without Questions: the Emergence of Fragments in Child Language. Journal of Linguistics, 45(3), 641-673.
2004. Monadic Definites and Polydefinites: their Form, Meaning and Use, Journal of Linguistics, 40(2), 263-323.
2002. (With Theodora Alexopoulou) On Linkhood, Topicalization and Clitic Left Dislocation. Journal of Linguistics, 38(2), 193-245.
1999. De-Phrase Extractability and Individual/Property Denotation. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 17(4), 713-781.