Kalliopi-Styliani Exarchou is an Associate Professor of Theatre Studies in the

Department of French Language and Literature in Aristotle University of

Thessaloniki. She teaches “History and Theory of Theatre”.

Her academic activity includes books, article publications, published translations of theatre.

Her literature activity includes theatrical plays, collections of poems, Bildungsroman, narratives.

-1994 - 2004: Founding member of the new theater group «Λύκη Βυθού», where I participated as a dramatist of the projects they raised.

-1994 - 2004: Creator and organizer of the lecture series entitled Theatrical Evenings of the Theatre «Λύκη Βυθού». Those lectures concerned the theater and its research and they were presented as dramatized with the participation of scientists, actors, musicians or dancers. They were presented  in Teloglion Arts Foundation of Aristotle University.

-2007: Invitation, planning and organization of the proclamation of the play writer, Fernando Arrabal, to an Honorary Doctorate- Delivery of the laudatory speech.

-2011: Invitation, planning and organization of the proclamation of Julia Kristeva to an Honorary Doctorate in the Department of French Language and Literature- Delivery of the laudatory speech.

-2016: Organization and Supervision of the Scientific Conference dedicated to the Work of the eminent and internationally renowned playwright, translator and essayist Dimitris Dimitriadis, «Dimitris Dimitriadis: Transgressing the limits», Department of French Language and Literature, 26th and 27th of May .


Research and educational programmes

-2005: Courses for the theatrical play of Iakovos Kampanellis in Sorbonne, in March 2005 as part of the postgraduate seminar of the department of Modern Greek in Sorbonne, from the professor and director of the Modern Greek Institute in Sorbonne, Henri Tonnet.

-2007-2010: Responsible for the agreement of scientific cooperation in academic exchanges between AUTH and the University Charles de Gaulle -Lille 3, France. «Lifelong learning» program LLP Erasmus, mobility of teaching staff.

-2012: Lecture on the history of the French theater at the University Comenius Université de Bratislava, in the context of the program, Life Long Learning Programme / Erasmus, Academic Year 2011-2012, Teaching Assignment report (D.240 / E4), ID Erasmus code 222.

-2013-2014: Research Excellence from A.U.TH for the implementation of research in the area of theatre with sponsorship from ΕΛΚΕ and A.U.TH. Title of the research: «The meaning of Aristotle’s catharsis in French drama of the 21st century, through the work and performances of the French writer Joel Pommerat». To be published in the honorary volume of the emerita professor of the department of French Language and Philology, Afroditi Sivetidou, Garnier publications

 More about author: 
First name:  Kalliopi-Styliani
Last name:  Exarchou


1982: “The plays of Αnouilh in Greece and their reception from critisicm”, Master thesis, unpublished, 104 p.

1995: “Images and darkness in the theater of Arrabal”, PhD thesis, Thessaloniki, University Studio Press, 150 p. 

2008 : « Histoire du théâtre: la passion au féminin », Thessaloniki, University Studio Press, 2008, 133 p.

-2015: “Dimitris Dimitriadis. The theatre of humanism”, Athens, Sokoli publication, pp. 91.

2016: «Dimitris Dimitriadis: Transgressing the limits», ed. and introduction by Kalliopi Exarchou, Thessaloniki, Shakespeare, 2018.



 1997: Arrabal, “The Architect and the Emperor of Assyria”, theatre, Thessaloniki, University Studio Press.

2008 : Arrabal, « Clitoris », Poème, imagé par Alekos Fassianos, Paris, Arche.

2008 : Arrabal, « Défense de Kundera », Letter, Zaragoza, Biblioteca Golpe de Dados.



2002: “When the masks fall”, Thessaloniki, University Studio Press.

2005: “My name is woman”, Thessaloniki, University Studio Press.



-2006: “Short stories of great confessions”, Thessaloniki, University Studio Press.

-2006: “About Ideas”, Thessaloniki, University Studio Press.

-2009: “Wandering Word”, Athens, ed. Gavriilides.

-2012: “Deposit book”, Athens, ed. Gialos.

2014: “Combatant lips”, Athens, ed. Sokoli

2020: “Τόσο ήθελε το στήθος”, Athens, ed. Sokoli



2011: “Extra Large”, Athens, ed. Sokoli-Kouledaki

2018: “Madame X”, Athens, ed. Sokoli

2024: “Προς πατρίδα», Athens, ed. Sokoli


Performances of my plays

-1999: May-June, performance of my theatrical play Four Tales with two voices, Theatre «Λύκη Βυθού». 

-2001: March, performances of my theatrical play When the masks fall, Theatre «Λύκη Βυθού».

-2005: December 9, Theatrical Lectern of my theater play My name is ... woman, Theatre Kodra.

-2006: January, Theatrical Lectern of the 7 French translated theatrical monologues for the mother, Theatre Kodra.

-2006: March, Theatrical Lectern of the translation of The Architect and the Emperor of Assyria by Arrabal, Theatre Kodra.

-2006: December 11, Theatrical Lectern of my two poetry collections Minor Stories of Major Confessions and About Ideas, Theatre Kodra.

-2019: International Theatrical Analogy Festival, Art Theater "Karolos Koun", «Η Κυρία Χ», directed by A. Revi, 22/9/2019.

- Μember οf the editorial review group of «Diodos» published in Drama.


20 Mic. Psellou street, 54655, Thessaloniki

Phone number: 00306942558952

Date of birth:  1957
Birth place:  Serres
Abstract title:  «To Motherland», ed. Sokoli 2024
Abstract text: 



Goodness me

How come the horizon is so much changed of late

Maybe it’s decay spreading like a pandemic

Or is it the sky running dry?

Even the look of Humans is changing

Each one separated from one’s own self

Separated from the Other

As if abstaining from the Human

Our sole consolation to meet again



Newly born [πρωτόπλαστοι]

Around the fire

To heal the bleeding Earth

Feeling grateful to her

As long as she is still planting road signs for us

When we are disorientated and can’t tell

Where lies the east

Where the west lies


That’s why

Of late

As time is getting rounded

The Bard’s words are circling round me

Speaking of the “marble head in the arms”

My knees bend at the thought of this “marble head”

When my dreams are tearful

And thick darkness crashes me

Stamping on me in and out


Mother was right to say

“As your moons are piling up

So the rivers will start swelling for no apparent reason”

And now I lie stark wake on weeping pillows

In sleepless sheets

Pining for vanished homelands

For half-completed campaigns

For blocked souls

For ruins loaded on the shoulders –

What a life

Still my precious one

Praying I can bear it

In blazing heat and utter frost

Before the solar harvest begins




-2006: First Prize Poetry Award in the National Poetry Competition by the Macedonian Art Company «Art» in Kilkis.

E-mail:  kalexarhou@gmail.com