Announcement of George Kechagioglou's lecture on 3.5.2023, 7 pm.

Dear friends,
The Institute of Modern Greek Studies (Manolis Triantafyllidis Foundation) of A.U.Th., in the framework of a series of three lectures, open to the public (click here), organizes on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at 19:00 (Greek time), at the Municipal Library of Thessaloniki (27, Ethnikis Aminis Str., 4th floor) and online, a lecture entitled:
"How we publish Modern Greek literary texts, older and recent"
Speaker: G. Kechagioglou, professor emeritus of Modern Greek Literature at A.U.Th., and member of the Board of Directors of the Institute.
The speaker, known for his many editions, will initially refer to: the history of the editing of late Medieval and Modern Greek literary texts; the categories and characteristics of the editions; the main trends that took shape especially from the post-war period until today; and the key difference that separates an editor from the simple "critic" or "interpreter" of the texts. He will occasionally add his critical observations and assessments, proposing flexible principles that suit today's requests concerning 'diplomatic'/'palaeographical' and 'critical' as well as merely 'philological' and 'handy' editions. Given that most of the latter do not have an "archival"/"historical" goal (as the outdated, "neoconservative" Greek (mainly Athenian) editing establishment thinks), but are aimed at today’s readership and want to help them and not torture them, the speaker will particularly insist on editorial conditions such as: the necessary training of the editors; the contents and the most logical and useful arrangement of the introductory and epimetric matter of an edition; text’s orthography and punctuation.
The lecture (which will be followed by a discussion with those listeners who wish it) is intended, on the one hand, to help students and young philologists who want to undertake editions of both older and recent texts; on the other hand, to orient today’s non-literary writers and critics, who want to contribute themselves to the best promotion of their work, towards more appropriate editorial methods, and not to leave them exclusively in the (unproven or even destructive, often) hands of commercial or other publishing houses and their (usually inexperienced or careless) "editors" or “correctors”.
Attendance is free of charge, both physically and remotely via zoom:
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